Olive Ross
Major: Astrophysics
Year in School: Transfer (Junior)
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Soprano
Fun Fact: After Olive won the lottery, they decided to open up a restaurant for chimpanzees. Items on the menu include banana splits, monkey bread, and much more.
Vanessa Gottlieb
Major: Theater Arts
Year in School: 1st
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Alto
Fun Fact: Vanessa regularly partakes in yoga with deer in the Porter Meadows, at UCSC, as the sun rises.
Ike Alexander
Major: Music
Year in School: 1st
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Tenor
Fun Fact: Ike holds the world record for the amount of ketchup he can slurp down in five minutes. What's the amount? Seven whole bottles.
Clarabel Moes
Major: Undeclared (interested in Sociology & Feminist Studies)
Year in School: 1st
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Soprano
Fun Fact: Clarabel was raised by a pack of wolves in Canada. As a result, she can communicate with many different breeds of dogs.
Blake Danner
Major: Music
Year in School: Transfer (Junior)
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Bass
Fun Fact: Before joining Cloud 9, Blake won the Nobel prize for creating a breed of cats that can shoot lasers from their eyes. They're cute, but deadly.
Lari Rojas
Major: Literature with an Education minor
Year in School: 3rd
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Alto
Fun Fact: In her free time, Lari teaches self-defense classes for D.E.A.D., a zombie-apocalypse operation that has build a network of safe havens and tunnels underneath the city of Santa Cruz.
Karimeh Berrios
Major: Undeclared (interested in Environmental Studies & Anthropology)
Year in School: 1st
Year in Cloud 9: 1st
Part: Alto
Fun Fact: Karimeh's grandmother is a mermaid from Atlantis (yes, the city still exists), which makes her 1/4th mermaid. Shell yeah.
Caroline Hines
Major: Music
Year in School: 3rd
Year in Cloud 9: 2nd
Part: Soprano
Fun Fact: Caroline maintains a small reserve army of several hundred hippopotami under the Porter dorms. You know, just in case.
Benny West
Major: Spanish Studies
Year in School: Transfer (Senior)
Year in Cloud 9: 2nd
Part: Alto
Fun Fact: Benny is Cloud 9’s first immortal singer; born centuries ago she encouraged Abe Lincoln to write the Emancipation Proclamation and taught Fred Astaire how to dance.
Spencer Greene
Major: Music and Proposed Biology
Year in School: 2nd
Year in Cloud 9: 2nd
Part: Tenor
Fun Fact: Spencer invented the world’s most perfect flavor of ice cream last year, but it was confiscated by the US government when they felt it was too addictive to legalize.
Claire McElhern
Major: Proposed Psychology
Year in School: 2nd
Year in Cloud 9: 2nd
Part: Alto
Fun Fact: Claire is a specialized explosives expert and a skilled gardener, whose handmade bouquet of nitroglycerin-lilacs won the award for Best Explosive Floral Arrangement three years in a row.
Michael Aoun
Major: Music
Year in School: 4th
Year in Cloud 9: 4th
Part: Bass
Fun Fact: Michael is Cloud 9’s second attempt at utilizing a cyborg to hit low-C notes; the first such cyborg thought it was a sea bass and swam down the San Lorenzo
Josh Cosbey
Major: Film & Digital Media
Year in School: 4th
Year in Cloud 9: 4th
Part: Bass
Fun Fact: Josh is the only person ever to have raced in NASCAR on a unicycle, doing so in only a speedo and a bowtie.
Brett Crockett
Major: Music
Year in School: 2nd year Master's Student
Year in Cloud 9: 6th
Part: Tenor
Fun Fact: In 1989, Brett orchestrated the largest pillow fight in living memory, which is rumored to have started the Loma Prieta earthquake and covered Santa Cruz county with four inches of feathers