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What can I expect audition day to be like?

  • Auditioners should arrive at 9 AM and sign up for a time to audition. If you sign up for a time later in the day, we ask that you return 20 minutes before your scheduled time - we may be running behind or ahead of schedule.

  • There will be a few pieces of paperwork that you’ll need to fill out before you audition. You’ll fill out an audition form and a liability waiver form.

  • When your audition time comes, one of our members will call you in!

  • During the audition, auditioners will sing their prepared pieces as well as a range of vocal exercises. (Cloud 9 may ask a number of different exercises from each auditioner, and thus every audition will be a completely unique experience)


How should I prepare for my audition?

  • Auditioners should come to their audition already warmed up and ready to sing! You should also be prepared to sing a 30 second a cappella solo!


What king of song should I sing?

  • Anything! As long as it’s a cappella, meaning there is no instrument accompanying you! We want to hear your beautiful voice alone!


What should I bring to my audition?

  • Yourself and your voice! But water might be a good thing to have also.


How long will it be before I know if I got a callback?

  • Generally we will make our decisions about who to call back on the same day of the auditions. That means that you should be receiving an email the same night, or at least by the morning of the next day.


What should I do if I don’t receive an email?

  • If you haven’t received an email by the end of the day following auditions, please contact us! It is completely possible that we typed in your email wrong.


Do I need any prior singing experience?

  • Nope! Not at all! While prior singing experience may be helpful, many of our members have had little or no experience before joining Cloud 9.


I have a schedule conflict with rehearsals. Can I still audition?

  • Yes, but please make sure you tell us in your audition as well as write it down on your audition form.


What kind of time commitment does Cloud 9 require?

Cloud 9 meets three times a week, with one three-hour rehearsal, and two two-hour rehearsals. All rehearsals are mandatory. But honestly, who wouldn’t want to go to rehearsal? 


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